The Solar Chants of the Guardians of Grace

The Dawn Chant

This chant is sung facing East, when the sun rises over the eastern horizon at whatever local time that may be.
Alternatively it may be done upon rising.

Baruk 'atah Shemesh Nitsach ruachni
Nivat'nu 'el 'otha'ka ba-sh'mayim zeroach
Baruk 'atah min-heykeyley shachar

Blessed art Thou, Eternal Spiritual Sun
We behold thy symbol rising in the heavens
Blessed art thou from the Palaces of the Morning Star

The Noon Chant

This chant is sung facing North in the Southern Hemisphere, South in the Northern Hemisphere at noon.

Baruk 'atah Shemesh nitsach ruachni,
Nivatnu 'el oth-ka ba-sh'mayim m'romam.
Baruk 'atah min-heykeyley tsaharayim

Blessed art thou, Eternal Spiritual Sun
Whose symbol of (fire and heat) we behold exalted in the heavens
Blessed art thou from the palaces of noon.

The Evening Chant

This chant is sung facing west, as the sun sets, at whatever local time that may be.

Baruk 'atah Shemesh nitsach ruachni,
Nivatnu 'el oth-ka ba-sh'mayim yoredeth
Baruk 'atah min-heykeyley Shelem.

Blessed art thou Eternal Spiritual Sun,
Whose symbol we behold descending in the West (to rest within the Earth)
Blessed art thou from the palaces of the Evening Star

The Midnight Chant
(Or upon retiring at night)

The chant is sung facing South in the southern hemisphere, or north in the northern hemisphere.

Baruk 'atah Shemesh nitsach ruachni,
Nivatnu 'el oth-ka ba-sh'mayim la-erets.
Baruk 'atah min-heykeyley Chatsoth.

Blessed art thou, eternal Spiritual Sun
Whose symbol has come to rest in the South
Blessed art thou from the dark waters of midnight

In the Ancient Solar Religion, it was customary for the Father of each Sanctuary to hold a bundle of twigs in the left hand and a staff in the right hand. He would wear the cap of his office, and some symbol of the Sun beyond the Sun.

Society of Guardians 1986.