Eucharist services in the Liberal Catholic & Celtic Christian traditions 

are held monthly at 7:30pm.    

Our Chapel services combine the beauty of traditional sacramental worship with a nature-centered and mystical approach to Christian Spirituality. The eucharist services are conducted by an ordained priest with Apostolic Succession in the Liberal Catholic and Celtic Christian lineages. Services alternate between the Mystical Mass (Liberal Catholic/Mystical Christian) and Celtic Christian liturgies and include candles, music and chant, incense, prayers for the world, meditation, and the sacrament of Bread and Wine. 

These services are public and people from all denominations and traditions are welcome. 

All may attend if they enter the chapel with respect and reverence. 

A Donation/Koha is appreciated to help towards our costs. 

Please email The Senior Guardian for further information.


  • Sun 21st Jan: Mystical Mass & Meditation for Peace            

  • Sun 25th Feb: Celtic Eucharist (Lammas/Lughnasadh)

  • March: Mystical Mass (Easter and Autumn)

  • Sun 28th April: Celtic Eucharist (Samhuin/All Hallows)

  • Sun 26th May: Mystical Mass (Pentecost/Whitsun)       

  • Sun 23rd June Celtic Eucharist (Midwinter/St Columba)     

  • Sun 28th July: Mystical Mass (Feast of Mary)     

  • Sun 25th Aug: Celtic Eucharist (Imbolc/Feast St Brigid)  

  • Sun 22nd Sept: Mystical Mass (St Michael & All Angels)

  • Sun 20th Oct: Celtic Eucharist (Beltaine)  

  • Sun 24th Nov: Celtic Eucharist & Summer Service. 

  • Sun 22nd Dec: Mystical Mass (Advent)