By the late Shomer Michael Freedman S.G.
This short rite was written by Michael Freedman during the 1980’s.
Here is an attentive meditation that encourages the growth of this evolutionary consciousness.
1. Sit in quiet meditation for 15 to 20 minutes, doing the Receptive Technique recommended as the Qabalistic Foundation technique during your Zeir studies.
2. After meditation, sit quietly for a couple of minutes, aware of yourself as being at the centre of the whole universe. Make your Intention in the following words:
It is my intention (our
intention), to link myself (ourselves)
with those forces and forms which are constructive in the universe.
So that I (we) might be a part
of evolving life in
Community with all life, with compassion for all life, and in co-operation
with all life.
3. Extend your awareness out from yourself to all those whom you love, especially your family and those nearest to you. Sit quietly for a couple of minutes, sending goodwill to those whom you love.
4. Next extend your awareness to all those among whom you live and all those people with whom you work. Sit quietly for a couple of minutes, sending goodwill to these people.
5. Extend your awareness to include all those people whom you do not like; or who do not like you. Sit quietly for a couple of minutes, sending goodwill to these people.
6. Hold in your awareness everyone whom you know, loved ones, friends, neighbours, fellow-workers, acquaintances, and enemies. Sit quietly for a few minutes, sending goodwill to all those whom you know.
7. Open out your awareness to include the whole of the nation; and especially think of those whose decisions are influential in preserving the good rulership, peace and welfare of all those who live in this land. Sit quietly for a few minutes, sending goodwill to people of your country.
8. Extend your awareness to include all those people of good will throughout the earth, especially those who are actively working for benevolent rulership and peace and well-being of all living beings on the earth. Sit quietly for a few minutes, sending goodwill to these people.
9. Extend your awareness to include all the peoples of the world; especially those people whose decisions are influential in preserving the peace and well-being of all people on the earth. Sit quietly for a few minutes, sending goodwill to these people.
10. Extend your awareness to include all living beings on the earth: Sit quietly for a few minutes thinking of the whole living Earth. + Conclude